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Foot In The Door Launch

Look Sideways. A saying I never thought to bring into my own professional life. Starting a degree at 18 and everything that comes with it, the word was go and when it wasn’t go it was up! However the two words that stuck with me after attending the Foot in the Door launch were the two words, Look Sideways.

After graduating with a degree in Media and Communications in January, I remember quoting Peggy Lee in my head when I went to take my degree. Not that I didn’t enjoy my time at University; from a personal point of view I wasn’t in the right frame of mind a lot of the time; and although the help was out there I didn’t really make much effort to obtain it. My University time, particularly towards the end, I looked at what I had to do as a strict set of rules in my mind. Rather a big bold red font rather than let’s say a light blue. I couldn’t differentiate what should be seen as a rule or instead a guideline and the number one recurring thought being to find a way to get up the ladder.

“How about turning the ladder sideways?”

Hearing this in The Door at The REP, on an exceptionally hot day was a surprising cooling contrast. Around 59 others and myself were invited to Foot in the Door’s launch. Foot in the Door (FITD) gives up to 90 hours experience working with an organisation within the creative sector. Foot in the Door is set up by Creative Alliance.

“Giving young people a chance to build a legacy in the creative and cultural industry in Birmingham throughout 2017”

I was happy to see not only recent graduates, but also students leaving School, entering college, seeking work in the creative sector and not really knowing where to start. Each speaker from his or her respected organisation had a clear consensus that what you put out is what you get back. Just securing a place at one of the creative sectors from; The REP, Birmingham Royal Ballet, CBSO and DanceXchange, would give us 60 young people training and experience in behind the scenes works, stage management, public speaking, play-writing, storyboarding and marketing to say a few!

After hearing each speaker it was safe to say I felt a bit overwhelmed about the opportunities that could successfully come my way. A slight voice of imposter syndrome ringed in my head. However these thoughts were quickly disproved after hearing the final speaker. A lady called Marika Bee, who had been in my shoes, openly admitted that she doesn’t find passion in work if it’s not in the creative sector. Marika spoke for the ambivalent young creative individual who just aren't sure where to go in the professional world and being able to contrast profession with creativity, she reminded us that we were built for this.

Marika spoke for us all and personally made me feel confident and more ready to take on FITD and what is now coming my way. To make Birmingham the creative city it is with my own creations, ideas and knowledge. The willingness to get stuck in and an open mind for what Creative Alliance has to offer me and help solid this wandering individual in a possible career path in something I adore, a path going side to side.

You can follow Alex on Twitter @alex_thomp337

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